bKash Payment

You can pay your bill by the bkash & nagad

Quickly Bill Pay

Pay Your Internet Bill on Mobile Banking

Make Payment through bKash

Merchant bKash(AC):

If any queries feel free to call us.

Quick Bill Pay

Quick Bill Pay

Quick Bill Pay Systerm

Make Payment through Nagad

Merchant Nagad(AC):

If any queries feel free to call us.

How Pay Bill through Nagad || কিভাবে নগদের মাধ্যমে বিল পরিশোধ করুন :-

To pay your Sarker Net bill by Nagad, you can follow these steps:

Download the Nagad app1 on your smartphone and register your account.

Open the app and select ‘Portal’ from the home screen.

Select ‘Sarker Net’ from the list of billers.

Enter your Sarker Net customer id or reference id.

Enter the bill amount and press ‘Next’.

Enter your Nagad PIN and press ‘Next’.

Tap and hold to confirm the payment.

You will get a confirmation SMS and a receipt.


Pay Your Internet Bill on Mobile Banking

Make Payment Through bKash

Merchant bKash(AC):

If any queries feel free to call us.

Make Payment Through bKash

Merchant bKash(AC):

If any queries feel free to call us.

Cash Out Through bKash

bKash Agent (AC):

If any queries feel free to call us.


Dial *247#

  Select Option 3
1.Send Money
2.Send Money to Non- Bkash User
3.Mobile Recharge
5.Cash Out
6.Pay Bill
7.My bKash


  Enter Merchant bKash Number:
Enter bKash Merchant Account Number:


  Enter Amount:
Enter Amount:


  Enter your customer id or username in reference
Enter Reference:


  Enter Counter Number
Enter Counter No:


  Enter PIN number to complete payment
Payment to: 01329609346
Reference: 75045
Enter PIN to continue:


  You'll get confirmation message after successful payment
Payment to: 01329609346 successful. Fee Tk 0, Balance Tk. 0000, TrxID 5HH81D8K6A at 01/01/2018 00:00


 Payment using USSD

  1. Dial *247# from your bKash enabled handset
  2. Select “3” for Payment
  3. Enter bKash Merchant Account Number “01329609346
  4. Enter Payment Amount of Tk 2,000 (Taka two thousand)
  5. Enter Payment Reference (Endnote )
  6. Type “1” for Counter No.
  7. Enter bKash personal account PIN number for confirming payment
  8. You will receive a payment confirmation message


 Portalment using the bKash Apps

  1. Please open the Bkash App
  2. Select “Make Payment” icon from bKash apps home screen
  3. Enter bKash Merchant Account Number “ 01329609346
  4. Enter Payment Amount of Tk 2,000 (Taka two thousand)
  5. Enter Payment Reference (Your Coustomer ID)
  6. & Enter PIN Number:XXXX
  7. “Tap & Hold” For Make Payment Bottom
  8. Your Payment Successfully